Who is Kaatje?

‘Kaatje’ is a deeply personal photography project about recovering from childhood wounds by expressing myself through art and photography.

a process of healing

For a long time, I struggled to explain the meaning behind my photography. Looking back, I now realize that ’Kaatje’ was born in 2014 when two adorable girls, came to my studio for a project about twins. These pictures kept coming back to me over and over again, and I couldn't figure out why.

My life remained unchanged and uneventful, except for my exploring the possibilities of photography. Little did I know, it was also the starting point of a process of healing.

Self Portraits

I began to notice that the way I depicted my subjects resembled how I used to look at their age. Others even remarked that they were a younger version of me. This made me wonder why. This question, why, lingered in my mind, and it was constantly asked during every photography or art class, but I didn't have an answer. After striving to overcome my troubled past and gradually embracing forgiveness, there was a sudden realisation where the answer became clear in an instant.

All the work is about ‘Kaatje’

Working and reworking these portraits, meticulously examining every bit of it, not only allowed me to capture the essence of my subjects, but also served as a therapeutic outlet for organising and processing my own complex emotions, struggles, and thoughts. I found solace, gradually piecing together the fragments of my inner world. It was in this creative sanctuary that I truly began to heal. It was as if secrets of creativity and self-discovery where whispered and encouraging me to take that leap of faith into the unknown. And so, it was during those precious moments of reflection and introspection that I understood that actually all my personal photography was related to the healing proces and to ‘Kaatje’, the younger me. Every work I have made in the past years is a piece of the story that I hadn’t told.

The seed of an idea, 'Kaatje', started to sprout.

I struggle to convey my thoughts with words, but I've found that photography allows me to express myself. Can I use this medium to help others?

What if! What if photography came into my life because it can help others? Children like the young girl I once was? And help others to not overlook the children who are facing difficulties nowadays. Maybe even inspire others to discover and experience the healing power of creating art. Telling their own story and finding solace in the process. I felt the need to explore my work further.

Thank you!

You were the ones that helped me to keep on going in life.

  • First of all my mum. She stepped in between him and me and my brother, despite the difficulties she got from this herself.

  • My three beautiful daughters and grandson, who learned me so many things, especially that I was able to love and trust other human beings unconditionally with all of my heart.

  • The aunt who made me a cup of tea when I came from school and told me how beautiful I was.

  • The uncle who showed me that a grown man can be friendly.

  • The teacher who let me ‘help’ her, which made me feel so important at that moment.

  • The director of high school who did not make me feel even more worse when I was thrown out of class,. No, he got me a hot chocolate and sat down with me talking about anything.

  • The mother of a friend who showed me how good creativity can make me feel by inviting me to her creative afternoons with her daughters.

  • The old lady who acted like she was my grandma and walked along with me for a bit, when she saw I was scared of those boys.

    And many, many many more, sometimes very small, gestures of kindness helped me through to where I am now, giving some children a little bit of this as well by doing what I do best, make art out of portraits. Together with you!

  • You can find more information about the project part here. Or find out about the FREE download or Poster Print.